

hello readers . 
sorry i'm bit busy lately for doing nothing . lol . last week , it was me having date-s with nisa . for 3 days straightaway to buy our things . *nak masuk u lah katakan* me , i am not well prepared enough yet i don't make the list-to-buy and i just buy what i see and what i want not what i need . yeahhh . it turned out me who will suffer next day because i need to rush to buy my things . i thought i want to go by myself-alone today as nisa , yah , kerri and fatah did not want to out today . *penat kot shopping sakan semalam*lagi penat gelak  daripada shopping actually cause diorang memang takleh diam . cakap je kejanya .ada jelah lawaknya kalau jalan ngan diorang .today , i will be a renger , alone searching for my things . hemm , not soo confident but who cares . 'saya okay , saya dah besar !' LOL

yesterday - on that sunny morning we went to bank islam cause yah wanted to pay the fees etc . me , i wanted to 'bukak akaun sspn' but unfortunately the banker said i cannot because i'm not 18 yet . hey , i'm 18 lahh exc. the months lah kan . but , i just don't want to bother about the sspn as benda ni tak wajib kan so we just wait for yah to finish first . then , we went to pejabat hasil as yah wanted to 'mati setem' apakahh ? haha . again , me did not bring along the form so thought tomorrow will be . that moment i feel my stomach like kruukk , kruukk . 'alamak , tanaklah gastrik time neh' . sangat pedih rasanya . nvm , i told nisa to wait in the car i went to the stall nearby to buy food because i did not eat anything yet and its almost 11.30+- . luckily , i can bear the pain . hahahaha , saya okey , saya dah besar ! LOL

next stop was KBMALL , nisa wanted to meet her juniors and me , yah , kerri and fatah hanya merewang-rewang di KBMALL like orang gilakk . yah bought a laptop , and we manage to buy the same shirt at brands outlet . me , yah and nisa of course . budak 2 orang tuh tak masuk dalam list . lol . nisa and i went to aidijuma . i wanted to buy tudung kaler hitam dan putih tapi takdak meh . so , me like hemmmm . agak la frustated ! we're having our lunch at MCDONALDS and decide to go to mydin after that to buy our things . and , guess what ?! i left my phone at MCD . my bad . silly TEDD . luckily yah and fatah had went to the car while me and nisa went to the other way to watsons . *nasib baik nisa nak ikut jalan lain sebab nak jumpa crush dia kalau tak mampos phone aku* i went to buy my things at watsons using nisa's member card . DOUBLE YEAY !! . its on sale now at watsons . korang pergilah . *promote watsons sikit* LOL

then , we went to MYDIN of course . while at the traffic light , i was like ' mamat gila mana berenti tepi keta betul2 kat tingkap aku neh ?' but , when i turned right again it was KERRI . LOL . lupa kerri tak naik keta sama , dia naik moto as nak balik solat dulu katanya . we laugh and laugh and laugh in the car like crazy ! like seriously , KERRI ? unexpected betullah . proceed to mydin , we bought our things there and i got a call from ma reminding its late already . then , we rush to pay and aku sempat lagi singgah beli cadar and selimut kat depan . all the way to our home we like*melompat-lompat* dalam kereta . mana taknya , nisa drive laju kemain lagi . 

me , sampai rumah . alahhh , exhausted nya harini tp sangat-sangat fun and enjoy sakan . 

p/s korang aku rasa hearttless nak masuk u . excited pun takk , sedih pun tak . acano neh ? *sighsigh*

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